From Laughs to Life-Changing: Melissa's Coastrek Journey

29 Jan 2025

When Melissa signed up for and embarked on 2024 Coastrek Sunshine Coast 50km, she knew it would be tough, however she didn’t realise just how tough.

She shares her incredible story here:

“I completed Coastrek in 2024, which came about as a joke after a friend did it in 2023. That joke turned into reality in January 2024 when it was brought up again, and my mum got me a pair of hiking shoes for my birthday.

It was a journey, a very up and down journey.

I was gun ho, in good spirits, feeling prepared in the leadup, then hit a training snag by busting my knee significantly in June, meaning I had it very thoroughly strapped for the 50km trek (my physio and doctor weren’t happy I wasn't pulling the plug!).

On the day I learned a hard lesson about my blood sugar tolerances with, at the time, newly diagnosed medical concerns. My body didn’t agree with the energy gel I had, which spiked my sugars and triggered my asthma. It was not a fun time. And, that wasn’t even at halfway point! It also made me too scared to eat anything the rest of the trek, which didn’t help my battle towards the end.

However, we took in some absolutely breathtaking views, enjoyed some amazing company, and experienced something I still can’t really describe.

I got one blister, which was more annoying than painful, and felt like my toe was getting flattened under the one next to it (I’ve got wide shoes, it wasn’t friction). Thanks to the handy tips we got in the lead up to the event, I was well prepared to handle it!

But the biggest hurdle, by far, was the last section of the trek. It was so mentally draining for me. I cried 99% of the section from the hill off the beach to the last Luv Stop, all the way to the finish line. My husband parked the car at the end, power walked back through Noosa and met our team at about 1.5km to go to get me over that finish line. It wasn’t even that my body was done, it was my mind. I was so drained, that if it wasn’t for my team, I absolutely would’ve called it quits.

Yet, when Coastrek announced they’ve flipped the course so my nemesis hills were now at the start and not the end, I thought “Well, maybe I should give it another crack, especially being for Beyond Blue".

So, here I am! I put my shoes on for the first proper walk since July (yes, I’ve avoided them like the plague), and did a quick 3.3km with the dog before it got dark after work.

If you’ve never done Coastrek, reflecting back on it now, I would absolutely tell you to give it a red hot crack. If you asked me any time between now and last July, I would’ve been quick to change the topic of conversation. It’s easier for some than it is for others, and at so many times I wanted to give up, but the support of my team and the Luv Stop crew (even if I did look mad at you all), kept me putting one foot in front of the other to get there.

So, here is to 2025 Coastrek Sunshine Coast 50km, and hopefully a far less eventful one!

If you feel like joining the fun, being part of the adventure and making 2025 one to remember, sign up to Coastrek today!